Next Steps in Holistic Therapies
This course will offer learners the opportunity to learn more advanced techniques in holistic therapies and to apply these to imptove their own health and wellbeing. Throughout the course you will advance your knowledge on how to perform lyphatic drainage throughout the body, participate in a number of health and wellbeing routines to aid sleep and relaxation and also to develop your mediation and self care techniques.
12 hours
2 hours
Tuition Fees £30
What study is needed at home?
No home study is required for this course but some of the learning can be continued at home to help improve own health and wellbeing.
Learners on this course may have completed the introduction to Holistic Therapies.
Main Learning Objectives
By the end of this course you should be able to:
Demonstrate a range of complementary therapies
Perform a lymphatic drainage reflexology sequence
Create a lavender eye mask to use in guided medidation
Create own hand charts of areas for reflexology and perform treatment on self or others
Use relaxation techniques to help breathing and relaxation
Use relaxation techniques to help breathing and relaxation
Progression to further learning with FACE
Learners can progress onto accredited courses in Holistic Therapies.