Family Learning

The Family Learning Service has been providing support and opportunities for families in Knowsley for more than 20 years.

The service helps parents to get involved with and support their children’s education, emotional health and wellbeing.

Supporting children / young people to reach their full potential.

We have a team of 4 Parent Support Workers who work across the borough in schools, children’s centres and PVI settings. We also have a remote learning offer via zoom and some new online courses.

All courses are free and available to all.  All resources are  provided free of charge. You just need to take part and have fun whilst you learn.

If you would like to find out more about the support and opportunities we can offer and how you can get involved, please give us a call on: 07717 727592

What we do

We can offer a range of activities, one off work shops and short courses to suit the needs of  families with children/young people from babies to secondary school.

Our offer targeted at foundation stage

  • Ready to learn for FS parents
    A one off workshop about how parents can support young children’s learning, looking at  ‘the power of yet’, making learning fun, use of praise, practical tips, how to follow your child’s interest.
  • Ready For Nursery
    A 3 week course preparing children for Nursery  -the first session is the ready to learn workshop followed by a literacy workshop and a numeracy workshop, looking at the writing journey – mark making, sharing books, early numeracy skills, independence- putting on their coat and independent toileting etc.
  • Ready For School
    A 3 week course preparing children for Reception – similar to ready for Nursery it incudes next steps, introduction to phonics etc.
  • Making games a 3 week course
    This can be a be a range of fun interactive activities tailored to the needs of the children –it also includes general messages about the importance of play, child development and descriptive praise.
  • Traditional tales
    3 weeks of activities around different traditional tales which include sequencing, mask making, puppet making, retelling stories, book making etc 
  • Storysacks 3/5 week course
    Making a storysack is a fun and practical course to bring story telling to life. At the end of the course you will have made a storysack to keep and share with your child. All resources including the books are provided free of charge.
  • Number Fun 3 weeks of maths activities
    Activities include, using dough to make numbers, counting, matching, shape and colour sorting. There is an input on why play is important for young children’s learning, how to make learning experience successful, and how to use directed praise.
  • A range of one off workshops including
    Letters and sounds- how to support phonics, The writing journey, Reading, Early Maths and positive parenting.
Enquire about one of these courses

Our Early Years Offer for parents of children 0-3yrs

  • Storysack 3/5 week course
    Making a storysack is a fun and practical course to bring story telling to life. At the end of the course you will have made a storysack to keep and share with your child. All resources including the books are provided free of charge.
  • Number fun
    Using dough to make numbers, count, match, shape and colour sorting and  matching activities, input on why play is important for young children’s learning, how to make learning experience successful, how to use directed praise.
  • Rhyme time for babies 0-1yrs
    Importance of talking /singing to your baby, how communication supports brain development, speech and language development share nursery rhymes and make props to engage your child.
  • Making games
    This can be a range of activities depending on the needs of the children – it includes general messages about the importance of play, child development etc
  • Ready to learn
    A one off workshop about how parents can support young children’s learning, looking at  ‘the power of yet’, making learning fun, use of praise, practical tips, how to follow your child’s interest.
Enquire about one of these courses

Courses to support the KS1 curriculum

  • Letters and Sounds one off workshop
    Learn about how your child is taught phonics, help them to blend for reading and segment to spell.
  • Reading workshop
    Explore the strategies children use when learning to read and get tips on how you can support your child.
  • Traditional tales
    3 weeks of activities around different traditional tales, includes sequencing, mask making, puppet making, retelling stories, book making etc.
  • Storysacks 3/5 week course
    Making a storysack is a fun and practical course to bring story telling to life. At the end of the course you will have made a storysack to keep and share with your child. All resources including the books are provided free of charge.
  • Share
    3 week courses to support English or Maths. Make a simple game and explore how it can support your child’s learning.
  • KUWTK (Keeping Up With The Kids) English
    A 5 week course to help you brush up on your English whilst helping your child, and finding out how your child is taught in school.
  • KUWTK (Keeping Up With The Kids) Maths
    A 5 week course to help you brush up on your Maths whilst helping your child, and finding out how your child is taught in school.
Enquire about one of these courses

Courses to support the KS2 curriculum

  • KUWTK Maths 5 week course
    Brush up on your Maths whilst supporting your child, and finding out how your child is taught in school.
  • KUWTK English 5 week course
    Brush up on your English  whilst supporting your child, and finding out how your child is taught in school.
  • Share
    A 3 week course making games and activities to support your child’s English or Maths.
  • Teenage Brain Workshop
    A one off workshop to help you understand the changes effecting your child.
  • Reading workshop
    Explore the strategies children use when developing their reading and get tips on how you can support your child, and how to encourage them to read for pleasure.
  • KS2 Maths- 2 workshops covering the 4 operations of number, how they are taught in school, and how you can support your child.


Enquire about one of these courses

Other Courses

  • Healthy eating workshops
    Short courses looking at the balance of good health, 5 a day message, healthy drinks, and healthy lunch boxes. Simple recipes to make with your child.
  • Active Play
    Short course focusing on simple games and activities to promote physical activity.
  • Connect 5
    A 5 week course to build resilience in your family, help you to cope in stressful situations and plan for success.
  • Online Safety
    A one off workshop to help you to keep you child/young person safe whilst they learn and play online.
  • Active Dads
    A short 3-5 week course to support Dads to engage with their child’s learning and development. Simple games and activities for you to enjoy together. A great chance to meet with other Dads.
Enquire about one of these courses

Triple P Parenting

A 5 week course exploring positive parenting strategies for parents of 2-12 year olds

Triple P Teen

Learn how to talk to your teenager, set family rules, explore appropriate boundaries/consequences

Understanding Your Child’s Behaviour

A 10 week course helping parents to tune into their children, develop relationships and build resilience

Enquire about one of these courses

Understanding pregnancy, labour, birth and your baby

Online course for everyone around the baby: Mums, Dads, Grandparents, friends and relations. Written by Registered Midwives and NHS Professionals.

Understanding your baby

Online course for everyone around the baby: supporting you and the new arrival. Written by Psychologists, Psychotherapists and Health Visitors.

Understanding your child (0-19 yrs) + child with additional needs

Popular online course about being the best parent, grandparent or carer you can be. Award winning with trusted content.

Understanding your teenager’s brain (short course)

Find out what happens to the brain in adolescence and how this explains some of the changes you may have noticed in their behaviour.

To enrol, click the button below. Don’t forget to apply the access code ‘bettertogether’ for FREE access!

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