Supporting Teaching and Learning (NCFE Cache)
The Level 2 Certificate in Supporting Teaching and Learning is aimed at learners working or volunteering in roles that support pupils’ learning in primary, secondary schools or colleges. It has been designed to provide learners with an understanding of the knowledge and skills needed when working directly with children and young people in school or college environments. It covers a wide range of areas including children and young people’s development, supporting children and young people’s positive behaviour and communication and professional relationships.
225 plus work placement hours
2 hours 45 minutes
Minimum of 34
Tuition Fees £1,090
This course is FREE if you are unemployed, studying for a first level 2 or earn under £19,305
Awarding body fees £97 / IV fees £37.82
FREE is you are unemployed, studying for a first Level 2 or earn under £19,305
What study is needed at home?
At least 3 hours a week study at home is required, in addition to the placement hours and taught classroom hours.
Although there are not formal entry requirements, learners should hold or be working towards level 2 English to meet the academic demands of the programme. Good levels of ICT skills is recommended. Additional support in English, Maths and ICT skills are available free of charge.
Main Learning Objectives
Understand schools and colleges as organisations
Understand children and young people's development
Safeguarding children and young people
Equality, diversity and inclusion in a learning environment of children and young people
Maintain relationships with children and young people
Support the health and safety of children and young people
Support positive behaviour in a learning environment for children and young people
Understand children and young people’s play and leisure
Promote an effective learning environment
Provide displays in a learning environment
Progression to further learning with FACE
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Progression to other Providers
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eleifend lectus a eros hendrerit, quis condimentum arcu suscipit. Vestibulum porta auctor nunc, in congue diam molestie quis. Phasellus ac lacinia lorem. Integer dignissim ac ligula sit amet molestie.
Jobs and Careers
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eleifend lectus a eros hendrerit, quis condimentum arcu suscipit. Vestibulum porta auctor nunc, in congue diam molestie quis. Phasellus ac lacinia lorem. Integer dignissim ac ligula sit amet molestie.
Award in Support Work in School and Colleges (NCFE Cache)
Level 2 – Learning Aim Reference: 603/2478/8
This qualification is an introduction to the information and knowledge needed to work in a school environment. It can apply to the many varied roles that full and part time support staff may fulfil including: administrative roles, site support roles, technical roles and volunteers, as well as roles that work directly with children and young people in the school environment.
It is aimed at learners not yet employed in a school, as well as providing initial training and induction for those new in post in primary, secondary or special schools.
80 hours
2 hours 45 minutes
Maximum 29
Tuition Fees £415
This course is FREE if you are unemployed, studying for a first level 2 or earn under £19,305
Awarding body fees £67 / IV fees £37.82
What study is needed at home?
Up to 40 hours study at home is required over the duration of the course
Although there are no formal entry requirements, learners should hold or be working towards level 2 English to meet the academic demands of the programme. Good levels of ICT skills is recommended. Additional support in English, Maths and ICT skills are available free of charge.
Main Learning Objectives
Child and young person development
Safeguarding the welfare of children and young people
Communication and professional relationships with children, young people and adults
Equality, diversity and inclusion in work with children
Health and Safety
Schools as Organisations
Progression to further learning with FACE
Level 2 Autism, Level 2 Mental Health & Level 2 Counselling
Progression to other Providers
Local colleges and other further education providers that provide Level 3 qualifications.
Jobs and Careers
On completion of the course you can progress onto the Level 2 Certificate in STLS or choose to seek employment as a teaching assistant, learning support assistant or special needs assistant.
Award in Mentoring
Level 2 – Learning Aim Reference: 501/1298/3
This qualification is designed for anyone who wants to gain a deeper understanding of the role of a mentor and develop the skills needed to become an effective mentor.
60 hours
2 hours 45 minutes
Tuition Fees £240
This course is FREE if you are unemployed, studying for a first level 2 or earn under £19,305
What study is needed at home?
Additional home study is required to complete this course
No Previous learning required
Main Learning Objectives
Gain insight into the role and practice of mentorship
Be clear about mentor/mentee relationships
Ensure you follow good practice
Develop the specific skills and understanding you will require in order to mentor
Reflect on your own learning and work performance
Understand the benefits of mentoring
Understand legal and ethical mentoring requirements
Progression to further learning with FACE
FACE does not offer upward progression higher than level 2. However, horizontal progression onto further vocational learning leading to an appropriate and relevant occupational qualification at Level 2 or above is possible.
Progression to other Providers
Learners may wish to progress to a Level 3 Mentoring or Coaching qualification at Liverpool City College or another FE institution.
Jobs and Careers
This qualification will enable learners to gain employment as a Mentor in a learning or professional environment.