Certificate in Counselling Skills (NCFE)
This qualification is beneficial for anyone who would like to develop their counselling skills for use in either work or in a personal capacity. These may be learners who wish to progress towards further counselling qualifications with another provider or those who wish to study this programme in order to complement other programmes (e.g. health and social care, childcare, child development, voluntary and community work.) This qualification aims to introduce learners to the use of counselling skills in everyday life and work and some of the approaches that underpin the use of these skills.
120 hours
2 hours 45 mins
32–36 sessions
Tuition Fees £550
This course is FREE if you are unemployed, studying for a first level 2 or earn under £19,305 per year
FREE if you are unemployed, studying for your first Level 2 or earn under £19,305 per year.
What study is needed at home?
At least 1h per week home study will be required on this course. Learners will be expected to underpin their own learning with reading, research and compilation of assignments.
No previous learning of this subject is necessary but already having or working towards Level 2 English is necessary to satisfy the requirements and standard of the written work involved.
Main Learning Objectives
By the end of this course you should be able to:
Understand what the core counselling skills are.
Know how to establish a helping relationship.
Be able to use core counselling skills in a helping relationship.
Know how to conclude a helping interaction.
Know elements of counselling theories and the significance of counselling theory.
Know how an ethical framework relates to the use of counselling skills.
Understand about anti-discriminatory practice, the place of British Values and what discrimination means.
Know how to develop self-understanding and self-awareness.
Know personal qualities relevant to the helping role.
Know how to meet own support needs and how self-reflection contributes to personal development.
Progression to further learning with FACE
Complementary courses run by FACE in this area include, amongst others:
- Raising Awareness of Domestic Abuse,
- Awareness of Mental Health Issues,
- Dementia Awareness.
- Underdatnding Menatal health in Childrens and Young People.
Progression to other Providers
Level 3 counselling qualifications are provided at:
Riverside College, City of Liverpool College, RASA.
Please be aware that FACE does not make any recommendations for 1 provider over another nor do we make a distinction between online or in-class courses.
Jobs and Careers
This vocational qualification can enhance employability skills for jobs such as health and social care assistant; childcare assistant care worker, mentor.
Progression on higher level courses is required to train as a Counsellor, Psychotherapist, Mental Health Practitioner, Social worker.